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Vigna radiate

Mungbean is a warm season legume, requiring 90 – 120 days of frost-free conditions from planting to maturity (depending on the variety).


Mungbeans are responsive to daylight length. Short days result in early flowering, while long days result in late flowering. However, Mungbean varieties differ in their photoperiod response. Mungbean is considered to be heat and drought tolerant.


  • Avoid lands with major changes in soil types that can result in uneven maturity.

  • Avoid sowing wheel tracks than can result in staggered germination

  • Avoid a rough seedbed

  • Employ rolling on non-crusting soils as it helps level the surface and promotes more even emergency and maturity

  • Ensure an even planting depth right across the planter. This is particularly important with air seeders.



Plant population: 

  • Dryland: 200 000 – 300 000 plants/ha

  • Irrigated: 300 000 – 400 000 plants/ha


Planting depth:
Plant into moisture at a depth of 30-50 mm.



Inoculation is essential if nodulation problems are to be avoided. Poor nodulation is a common problem in Mungbeans and can result in a significant yield reduction in situations where residual nitrogen levels in the soil profile are already low. Growers are urged to pay greater attention to inoculation practices if these problems are to be avoided. The inoculant can be applied to the seed just before planting or applied in the furrow in peat or granular form. Care must be taken to distribute this inoculant uniformly in the field. Be sure to use bacteria that are specific for Mungbeans.

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